The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the North Springs Improvement District was held on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 at 4:30 p.m. at the District Office, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Salvatore Mendolia                                           President

            Steve Mendelson                                              Secretary


            Also present were:


            John Petty                                                        Manager

            Dennis Lyles                                                     Attorney

            Jane Early                                                         Engineer

            John McKune                                                   CH2M Hill

            Michael Hessler                                                WCI Communities

            Jean M. Rugg                                                   Severn Trent Services

            Janice Larned                                                   Severn Trent Services

            Sandra Demarco                                              Severn Trent Services


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                               Roll Call

            Mr. Mendolia called the meeting to order and Mr. Petty called the roll.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Approval of the Minutes of the August 9, 2006 Meeting

            Mr. Petty stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the August 9, 2006 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor the minutes of the August 9, 2006 meeting were approved.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Public Hearing to Consider the Adoption of the Water and Sewer Budget for Fiscal Year 2007, Resolution 2006-10

            Mr. Mendolia opened the public hearing.

            Mr. Petty stated there is only one change in the budget.  It is for the public relations entity we discussed at the last meeting.

            There were no comments from the public.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor Resolution 2006-10 adopting the water and sewer budget for fiscal year 2007 was adopted.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Consideration of Fee Letter from Ruden McClosky for the Heron Bay North Special Assessment Bonds

            Mr. Petty stated our counsel has been working on these issues as well.  It was anticipated this bond issue was going to be in three pieces.  It ended up being in four pieces.  This is to cover the fourth piece which is not covered under the current agreement.  Staff has reviewed the cost associated with it and the work done.  It is in conformance with work and fees charged for similar pieces of the bond. 

            Mr. Lyles stated this will not cost NSID or its residents any money in terms of your budget and your assessments.  It is a slight reduction in the proceeds which will be available to pay to the developer for the project to be funded by these bonds.  The developer has signed off on the change.  The original fee letter you approved when we started the process had several bond issues in it.  The fee was quoted at a lower number contingent upon things being combined.  Those other closings occurred last fall.  It has required additional work by bond counsel.  She submitted the proposed change to the developer, whose pocket this comes out of, as well as staff.  Both the manager and I recommend you approve the amendment to the fee arrangement with bond counsel.

            Mr. Mendolia asked do you see any problems?

            Mr. Lyles responded no sir.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the fee letter from Ruden McClsoky was approved.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Consideration of Change Orders and Contract Modification

            A.        Change Order No. 1 – Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc. for Holmberg Road Overlay and Bike Lane, University Drive and Trails End Final Lift and Modifications for a Net Increase of $94,676

            Ms. Early stated there is a contract with Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc., NSID and WCI Communities.  They are doing the second lift of asphalt on University Drive and Trails End.  They are also doing the overlay and the traffic signal on Holmberg Road.  The traffic signal is a WCI Communities cost and a county requirement.  The county is also requiring there be an electrical conduit interconnecting all the way down to the Sawgrass Expressway.  This is also going to be a WCI Communities cost. 

            Mr. Mendolia asked when do they intend to finish it?

            Ms. Early responded the signal was held up because of materials.  They are telling us two weeks, but they have been saying this for a while.  They have given us letters from the supplier.  There is a problem with the FPL connection.  This is what we are trying to work out.

            Mr. Mendolia stated I was approached by the Mayor of Parkland.

            Ms. Early stated I had several calls as well.  WCI Communities is contacting the contractor as well to get flagmen out in the morning because of the school traffic.  The MOT was approved by the City of Parkland and Broward County.  They had to submit the MOT.  It did not require flagmen, but we are trying to see if someone will pay to get them there.

            Mr. Mendelson asked is the problem with FPL and their connection?

            Ms. Early responded yes.  There is a problem with the box and whether it was there for the signal as well as who is supposed to do the connection.  They are working it out between the signal people and FPL.

            Mr. Mendolia asked do we have a date on anything?

            Ms. Early responded no.  It was supposed to be done in the beginning of August.  They are getting a great deal of heat as well.  They are trying to get done as fast as they can.

            Mr. Mendolia asked did they subcontract it to another person?

            Ms. Early responded they had to in order to do the signal.  There were only three signal companies in the area.  This is a reputable firm.  They do these all of the time.

            Mr. Mendolia asked do they have a schedule?

            Ms. Early responded the last letter I received said they anticipate the work being completed in the middle of October. 

            Mr. Petty stated they are never on time. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor Change Order No. 1 with Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc. for a net increase in the amount of $94,676 was approved.



            B.        Change Order No. 2 – Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc. for Holmberg Road Overlay and Bike Lane, University Drive and Trails End Final Lift and Modifications for a Net Increase of $58,229.46

            Ms. Early stated this is the same project, but this is an NSID cost.  There is a turnout on University Drive which was not installed due to location change.  It has to be installed and it will be paid out of an existing bond issue, which was just sold for Parkland Golf and Country Club.  The cost is $58,229.46.  He has to do demolition work in order to install it. 

            Mr. Mendolia stated it seems like a great deal of money.

            Ms. Early stated it does.  The prices have doubled on road work.

            Mr. Mendelson asked what is the timeframe on this?

            Ms. Early responded this should take a month.  It is not a major project.  It is north of City Hall on the east side. 

            Mr. Petty stated since we are utilizing bond funds for this the bonds are already set.  If you have overages like this, it means you will have less for the project at the end.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor Change Order No. 2 with Weekley Asphalt Paving, Inc. for a net increase in the amount of $58,229.46 was approved.


            C.        Change Order No. 2 – Triple R. Paving for Heron Bay North Plats 3 & 4 Drainageways for a Net Increase of $28,200

            Ms. Early stated this is for the lakes north of Heron Bay Boulevard.  We have been trying to finalize mitigation areas under design.  We had to make changes to our major interconnect culverts connecting the lakes through these developments.  This is an NSID cost for sizing of the culverts and interconnects as well as moving them.  This is currently an advanced funding agreement with WCI Communities.  They are working on selling the bond within the next month or two.  This will be a cost out of the bond. 

            Mr. Mendolia asked do you see any problems with this?

            Ms. Early responded no.  We checked the drawings and we needed to increase the size of some of the structures.  This project is going to take approximately a year. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor Change Order No. 2 with Triple R. Paving for a net increase of $28,200 was approved.


            D.        Change Order No. 4 – Florida Sewer and Water, Inc. for Banyan Isles and Sable Point for a Net Increase of $4,058

            Ms. Early stated this is a change to the entrance.  It is a WCI Communities cost.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor Change Order No. 4 with Florida Sewer and Water, Inc. for a net increase of $4,058 was approved.


            E.         Change Order No. 5 – Florida Sewer and Water, Inc. for Banyan Isles and Sable Point for a Net Increase of $27,601.87

            Ms. Early stated this is the same project.  It is for price increases due to the delay in starting the project.  They are also a WCI Communities cost.  We bid them based on WCI Communities’ schedule.  The projects did not get started because WCI Communities was not ready.  We had price increases because it went past 90 days.  WCI Communities will have to incur the cost. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor Change Order No. 5 with Florida Sewer and Water, Inc. for a net increase of $27,601.87 was approved.


            F.         Contract Modification No. 1 – Chaz Equipment Co., Inc. for 20” Alternate Water Main for a Net Increase of $10,825

            Mr. McKune stated this is a water main coming out of the water plant to reinforce the distribution system.  The job was recently completed.  It is now in service.  During the construction we had a fairly narrow alignment to stay within a newly platted easement and connect with an existing easement adjacent to our existing water site.  We were halfway through constructing the pipeline.  We had to trim trees and the city ordinance came out.  They told us we were not trimming the trees in accordance with city code.  The job was stopped.  We were told if we were to move our pipeline, we have to stay a minimum of 100” from the side of the tree trunks to the edge of the trench.  When they were done telling us all of the things we cannot do we were left with one thing we can do and stay within our easement without impacting a neighborhood swimming pool.  We had to get the contractor to buy 20” fittings to make the appropriate jogs to the pipeline.  After negotiating with the contractor, we took his request of $30,000 down to $20,000 for the extra work.  Part of it came out of an allowance.  The remainder is represented by this change order.

            Mr. Mendolia asked do you think it is fair?

            Mr. McKune responded yes.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor Contract Modification No. 1 for a net increase of $10,825 was approved.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                              Consideration of Work Authorization #167 for Heron Bay Commons Design of Additional Tennis Courts

            Ms. Early stated this includes any coordination we need to do with the subcontractor.  The architect was at the last meeting and showed you the drawing.  He gave his proposal for $61,000.  He is going to be a subcontractor to us.  Any coordination we do going through the city and making sure Ms. Smith’s needs at the clubhouse are met, we will bill on an as needed basis.  The majority of the cost is with the architect of the design.

            Mr. Petty stated Ms. Smith’s comfort at The Commons is minimal because they are a contractor.  It is for working within the system.  You told us you want us to go forward with the tennis courts and we are going full speed ahead. 

            Mr. Mendolia asked is this fixed?

            Ms. Early responded yes.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor Work Authorization #167 for the Heron Bay Commons design of additional tennis courts was approved.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Staff Reports

            A.        Manager’s Report

                        i.    Ratification of Agreement with Ron Sachs Communications, Inc. for Public Relations

            Mr. Petty stated there is a copy of the agreement in your agenda package, which is the public relations company we talked to you about when we were going through our budget.  They are on board and helping us out.  You have some of the work they helped us out with on the table today.  At the last meeting we discussed how we would communicate with the residents at The Commons regarding the tennis courts and the repairs we are doing.  What you see is their input on a great deal of material.  We are sharing the cost of this public relations firm with our sister districts; SWCD and CSID.  We are looking for the Board to ratify the agreement I signed.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor the agreement with Ron Sachs Communications, Inc. for public relations services was ratified.


            B.        ii.   Discussion of Agreement with WCI Communities, Inc. to Manage Heron Bay Commons

            Mr. Petty stated staff and counsel have worked hard on this.  Mr. Lyles’ office has been working on this for two years.  This agreement and structure is fine with staff.  We are recommending the Board’s approval.  We have one item to bring to your attention.  There are fixed assets of the District still onsite.  According to our agreement, the management contractor is responsible for replacing all fixed assets as they wear out.  We came up with an inventory we will tag.  As this material wears out they have to replace them.  This is a list of what will be replaced in the first year, second year, third year and so on.  It has been reviewed with WCI Communities and their staff. 

            We need the Board to understand there are fixed assets, which will be there for a period of time.  The management company is responsible for replacing them when their life expectancy is over.  The dollar value you see is what we paid to put the facility onsite eight to nine years ago.  The current value is approximately 1/10 of what you see.  If the Board understands this philosophy, the basic agreement prepared by counsel and reviewed by staff is what we are asking the Board to consider.

            Mr. Lyles stated this is a modification to the original agreement, which was a two step agreement.  The District was in agreement with the HOA, which in turn contracted with an operator.  This puts us directly in privity with the HOA.  They are going to comply with the new requirements we installed.  One of the most important ones is the ability to terminate this agreement with a 30 day written notice.  We will not run into a problem again where we have a long period of going back and forth if the parties are not getting along properly or if the work is not being done to the standard you established for this facility.  This is an important concession WCI Communities has made.  It indicates confidence on their part in their performance under this agreement.  I, as well as the manger, recommend you approve execution of this agreement between NSID and the Heron Bay HOA.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor the agreement with WCI Communities, Inc. to manage Heron Bay Commons was approved. 


            Mr. Petty stated I have a couple of things to bring to your attention.  One is the insurance on The Commons for Hurricane Wilma is not acceptable to staff.  They sent us a check for $24,000 and the roof itself is going to be close to $150,000.  We instructed our engineer to do leg work on this before it hits counsel.  Their job is to evaluate and fight with the insurance company because they are the ones with the specifications and can see the damage.  We have the structural engineers report.  We have found an angry person and the only reason I bring it to your attention is because it is Ms. Early’s husband.  He is considered to be one of the best out there and they have contracted him through his company.  Since there is a relationship with your engineer I am bringing it to your attention. 

            Mr. Mendolia stated I do not see a problem.

            Ms. Early stated The Commons has a great deal of damage and you wanted it fixed.  We had the architect do a report.  We put it out to bid.  After talking to Mr. Petty we decided to include as a bid item that the contractor hire a public adjuster to go back with the insurance company.  The public adjuster’s payment is based on whatever they collect.  We went out to bid for The Commons repairs and this was part of the bid.  He is a subcontractor to the contractor. 

            Mr. Petty stated the bid prices were in line with the architect’s estimate.

            Ms. Early stated the architect’s estimate was $520,000.  We had two bidders and the low bid was $514,555.60.  The contractor as well as my husband want to get started as soon as possible.  If you approve this contract, they would like to get started on Monday.  They met with the architect onsite and have gone over the job.  They met with Ms. Smith several times.  I have contracts ready to go for them to sign once you approve it. 

            Mr. Petty stated we are looking for the District to do a work authorization with CH2M Hill so they can have as their subcontractor whomever they feel is the best.  If we are going to do work with this other company, we will normally talk to counsel to see if there are any issues.  In this case I believe they will be a sub to CH2M Hill.

            Ms. Early stated no.  We ended up including it in the job of the contractor.  They are going to work directly through the contractor.  We are asking for approval of this contract, which includes the public adjuster.

            Mr. Petty stated let me rephrase what I said.  They took bids on The Commons.  They received the bids and they were underneath the estimate.  They did not have time to put it in the package.  They did not have time to discuss it before the meeting.  Since we are looking to react as quickly as possible, are you willing to consider this matter tonight?

            Mr. Mendolia responded yes.

            Mr. Lyles stated what I am hearing from the District Engineer is in anticipation of this matter being ready to go today you have properly noticed and bid the job.  You have a record of all of this.  Although I have not seen the agreements or bid specifications, I know staff has handled it in normal fashion complying with legal requirements applying to this District.  I see no reason to hold this up for additional review. 

            Mr. Mendolia asked who is handling the insurance companies?

            Mr. Petty responded your manager is in discussion with the insurance agency.  We told them their initial offering of a settlement is unsatisfactory.  We will be working with them through the engineer on specific costs.  I have been doing a value add on to the contract, which gives us the entity who can speak to them from an adjuster’s viewpoint.  Should this not work and we feel we are not being satisfied from our insurance position, we will bring it to counsel. 

            Mr. Mendolia stated most insurance companies change their numbers upward when approached.  This should not be a problem. 

            Mr. Petty stated we ask you to consider approval of the contract for repairs and renovation of The Commons in an amount not to exceed $514,555 with National Home Building and Remodeling Corporation.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor the award of contract to National Home Building and Remodeling Corporation for repairs of Heron Bay Commons in an amount not to exceed $514,555 was approved.


            Mr. Petty stated you asked for a brochure to be made discussing the repairs.  It is sitting at the clubhouse as we speak.  We have two additional signs.  One says, “Construction.  Please excuse our dust.  This is being done by your Board of Supervisors of NSID.”  It should be going up by Friday or Monday.  There is an additional sign going up where the tennis courts will be constructed.  We hope to get a positive response.

            The next item is an issue with WCI Communities development.  It refers to the mitigation area, which has been a matter before this Board from time to time since 1995.  There is a mitigation area.  It is a new form of water management where you have littoral plantings.  The concept is if you have aquatic plants, they will pull up the nutrients and will save you money from spraying because you will not have broken your main channels.  This has been going on for 20 years.  The mitigation area was planted by WCI Communities and it was deeded to the District.  The District accepted it and put money in the budget for O&M and it has been sitting out there since 1995. 

            The contractor is not doing a good job and the mitigation area has declined.  WCI Communities never got it approved by Broward County because the calculation for determining size and quantity of this material was in such a state of flux based on the development.  It was difficult to close it out.  They are prepared to close it out now.  The new specifications are different then they were in 1995.  They have been in discussions with the county on the approval process for over a year.  They reached a compromise position.  We looked at the wetland areas and we see decline based on design criteria, which we hold WCI Communities responsible for.  We also look at it from the O&M standpoint.  We can see where our contractor has not done a great deal of quality work in some areas.  Our oversight as a District was lacking.  It was never assigned to our water management people.  It was looked at once, approved and this contractor was supposed to do his work.  When you plant aquatic plants there is no difference than when you plant any other type of landscape material.  It is a living entity and you have to have a replacement program as well as a monitoring program on this material.  These plants will die.  They will be exposed as the water table goes up and down.  You will have to replace them.  We had no budget in the past for this.  We are working with WCI Communities.  They are ready to go out for permit.  We feel they have an obligation to repair 50% of the mitigation area.  We will bring it to you at a future meeting for your consideration.  We will end up with a permitted facility, which is repaired to specification.  Our water management guys will be overseeing this from now on.

            We just went through a hurricane preparation.  It was a great exercise for us.  One of the things we saw at NSID is a couple of pumps are down for repair.  Since that time, two more have failed.  We are on high alert when it comes to our pumps.  Our staff is working around the clock with various suppliers to get materials in.  We have an issue on line with our engineer who has proposed we do a manifold on the outfall of Pump Station No. 1.  We have four or five pumps there.  They are all going in a singular direction.  You cannot turn Pump No. 1 and send it north.  It can only go south.  The engineer has proposed coming up with a design.  The engineer has already received authority to work on the project.  We are notifying you of the status.  They are expediting this so Pump Station No. 1 can be used to its fullest.  We will discuss pump replacements or repair at a future meeting.


            B.        Attorney

            Mr. Lyles stated at the last meeting you discussed your desire to pursue an amendment to the special act authorizing this District to exist.  I began working with the staff of the Legislative Delegation.  The deadline for filing local bills to amend acts such as the NSID special act is October 20, 2006.  This Board will have one more meeting before we file with the delegation.  We started working on this.  I want to confirm with you the areas you are interested in seeing revised. 

            One of those areas is bidding thresholds, which are currently $4,000.  It will come into line with other state agencies such as CDDs allowing us to have a threshold of $150,000 before having to go through a formal bidding process.  We will still have the same limits on construction projects, which is $200,000.  Our engineers have said this hampers them in doing work for the District efficiently and economically.  We will ask the $4,000 cap be eliminated and follow state law for local government agencies. 

            The elections process is something we have discussed in the past.  Several years ago we were the target of efforts by certain local delegation members to change the method of elections.  One of the ways we will get a positive reception is something you previously discussed and authorized.  We will propose to add a section allowing this Board the option of converting to a popular election system without the necessity of having a special referendum with a vote and petition process. 

            The salary level for compensation of a Board member is outdated.  It is currently $200 per meeting.  I am struggling with this one because we are going to have to align ourselves with another existing structure for compensation of people elected to serve on these Boards.  Chapter 190 for CDDs has an annual cap of $4,800.  It is $200 per meeting, but it is $4,800.  If we were to change the compensation level to $400 per meeting with a cap of $4,800, it will double the current compensation schedule assuming we have twelve meetings.  It is a reasonable target, but I am looking for direction from the Board on how to handle this.

            Mr. Mendolia stated what you are saying is perfect. 

            Mr. Lyles stated CSID is going to want to do the same thing.  We will be going in there with two large districts, which have been on the books for many years.  We will carry this through for you here and in Tallahassee.  We will have a draft of the language we will take to the delegation at the next meeting. 


            C.        Engineer

            Ms. Early stated I want to give you an update on the tennis court.  We proceeded with the architect’s design.  We ordered the survey.  It should have been done today.  Once the survey is complete the architect can complete his design work.  He should be ready for submittal to the city for the DRC review by the first week of October.  We anticipate a two week turn around for any comments from them.  We will address those comments and get them back as soon as possible.  We will get an approval and go out to bid.

            Mr. Petty stated we will not look for a contractor until after this.  You will consider this in November or December.  We talked about funding for this.  We have some funds available.  The costs for these things are high.  If you want a quality court, you have to pay for a quality court.  We may come back to you with a funding issue as well.

            Mr. Mendolia stated it will be helpful for the residents of Heron Bay to have a monthly flyer indicating the progress of the tennis courts.

            Mr. Mendelson asked are they going to be using red clay?

            Ms. Early responded it will be the same as what they have now. 

            Mr. Mendelson stated there is a composite they mix with clay, which helps with drainage and absorption of water. 

            Mr. Petty stated we will have the renovating repair contractor onsite.  We will put notices up as we close sections.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                           Approval of Requisitions and Invoices

            Mr. Mendolia asked why are they separate from the agenda package?

            Ms. Rugg responded they were not ready on time.

            Mr. Petty stated they were not ready a week before the meeting.  Since you just received them today, we understand if you want to hold approving them until the next meeting. 

            Mr. Mendolia stated that is a good idea.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Supervisor’s Request and Audience Comments

            There not being any, the next item followed.



TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.






 Steve Mendelson                                                            Salvatore Mendolia

 Secretary                                                                        President