The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the North Springs Improvement District was held Thursday, June 5, 2003 at 4:00 P.M. in the District Office, 10300 N. W. 11 Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.

            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Matt Lauritzen                                      President

            Salvatore J. Mendolia                          Secretary

            Thomas L. Grossjung                           Vice President


            Also present were:


            Rhonda K. Archer                                 Finance Director

            Hal Anderson                                         Attorney

            Jane Early                                              Engineer

            John McKune                                        Engineer

            Roger Moore                                           Engineer

            Bill Joyce                                                District Staff

            Rich Hans                                               District Staff

            Warren Craven                                     WCI

            Tara-Lynn Patton                                WCI



FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS             Roll Call

            Mr. Lauritzen called the meeting to order and called the roll.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS         Approval of the Minutes of the April 3, 2003 Meeting

            Mr. Lauritzen stated that each Board member had received a copy of the minutes of the April 3, 2003 meeting and requested any additions, corrections or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Grossjung with all in favor the minutes of the April 3, 2003 meeting were approved as submitted.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Award of Contract for the Heron Bay Northeast Drainageways

          A.    Construction Financing Agreement

          B.    Work Authorization 105

            Ms. Early stated we received three bids for the Heron Bay Northeast Drainageway Contract, from Triple R, Bergeron and Ranger.  The low bid was submitted by Triple R Paving for $2,287,716.57.  The engineer’s estimate was $2,247,428.00.  We recommend award of the contract to Triple R Paving in the amount of their low bid.  This will be a tri-party agreement with WCI.

            Ms. Archer stated the District’s portion of the contract will be $702,974.02 and the balance will be picked up by WCI. 


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the contract for Heron Bay Northeast Drainageways was awarded to Triple R Paving in the amount of their low bid of $2,287,716.57 with the District portion being $702,974.02 and WCI’s portion being the balance of the bid; the construction financing agreement with WCI was approved and Work Authorization No. 105 for engineering services during construction was approved.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS        Approval of a Quit Claim Deed for a Canal in Heron Bay Northeast

            Ms. Patton stated we are asking the District for the conveyance of a canal.  The Heron Bay East project was approved by the Board last year and consists of 313 single family units in our Heron Bay Community.  There is a canal that WCI conveyed to the District in 1988 that comes down through our community and connects into our property.  We gave you a new canal last year on the plat to take the place of the portion we are asking for today. 

            Ms. Patton stated I submitted the quit claim deed to Mr. Lyles for review.

            Mr. Anderson stated subject to engineering approval of the legal description this can be approved.

            Ms. Early stated we reviewed the legal description when this was submitted.


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the quit claim deed conveying a 65" wide canal in Heron Bay Northeast to WCI was approved.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Parkland Golf & Country Club Replat #2

            Ms. Patton stated we have come to you twice before with the Parkland Golf & Country Club Community.  The first was a boundary plat that platted the overall area and the District was an owner in that plat because of the road rights of way you accepted with that plat.  Earlier this year we came to you with Replat #1 which platted 330 units in the southern part of the plat and our recreation amenity.  The district accepted the lakes in replat #1.  I am asking you to accept the lakes in Replat #2 which is the northern half and consists of 430+ units. 


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor Parkland Golf & Country Club Replat #2 was approved.


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Resolutions

          A.    Resolution 2003-2 Designating Patti Powers as Treasurer

          B.    Resolution 2003-3 Designating Rich Hans as Assistant Secretary

            Ms. Archer stated as you are aware, I am currently Treasurer and Assistant Secretary and this is my last meeting.  Ms. Powers is taking over the accounting and I recommend you designate her as Treasurer and Mr. Hans will be attending your meetings and I recommend you appoint him Assistant Secretary so that he can execute documents when necessary on behalf of the District. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Grossjung with all in favor Resolutions 2003-2 and 2003-3 were approved.



SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS      Consideration of Change Orders

          A.    Change Order No. 2 with Florida Sewer and Water, Inc. for the Heron Bay East Pod 5/Heron Run Drive Phase II Contract for a Net Increase of $8,498.50

          B.    Change Order No. 3 with Florida Sewer and Water, Inc. for Heron Bay East Pod 5/Heron Run Drive Phase II Phase II for a Net Increase of $53,771.04

          C.    Change Order No. 4 with Florida Sewer and Water, Inc. for Heron Bay East Pod 5/Heron Run Drive Phase II Phase II for a Net Increase of $5,000.00

          D.    Change Order No. 5 with Florida Sewer and Water, Inc. for the Heron Bay East Pod 4 Contract for a Net Decrease of $51,003.35

          E.    Change Order No. 5 with Astaldi Construction Corp. for the Trails End Road Contract for a Net Increase of $40,847.67

            Ms. Early described the items contained in each change order.


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the change orders listed above were approved.


EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS         Consideration of Work Authorizations

          A.    Work Authorization #106 for Heron Bay Force Main Northeast Spine Road

            Ms. Early stated a few months ago we came to you with a work authorization to put the water main extension up to the ground storage tank.  WCI gave us an easement to put that in and they finalized the roadway plan.  This work authorization is to finish the force main design for that road. 


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor work Authorization 106 was approved.


          B.    Work Authorization #107 for Water Treatment Plant Expansion

            Mr. McKune stated this is the job where Felix is working and they are making progress.  All the subs are back and we are going to make a progress payment to them this week. 

            The project involved with this work authorization is the next expansion which includes not only the next treatment units but also includes some of the work that Felix would have done.  Once we get these items done, the plant will be totally built out and the site is full.  As you come in the entrance road we will install the guard facility, a lime storage silo, the fourth water treatment unit with a bank of concrete filters to service this.  This is a 2 MGD water system.  We are going to add a chemical feed building that will allow us to remove the gas cylinders of chlorine that we currently use.  We have some storage units and a major unit process that we are adding.  There is a waste product created at the plant that is very messy that has to be dewatered in ponds by gravity and we have a contract hauler to haul it off site and it makes a mess in the community and is something we would like to get rid of.  We will end up getting rid of one of the two ponds, keep an existing pond for insurance reasons and build a two-story dewatering building with vacuum presses which will allow us to take the waste product, dewater it, dump it in a truck so that even if it were to drop, it wouldn't make a mess and haul it off site.  It is a much better use of the facility. 

            The total estimated cost of this entire project is $7 million.  Our proposal to do the design is approximately $351,000.  It will be done on an hourly basis.  That proposed fee represents a little less than 5% of the construction cost which is on the low end. 

            Mr. Grossjung asked what is the build out time once you move forward?

            Mr. McKune responded this job will probably take a year and a half to build.  We are forecasting complete build-out of the District between 8 and 10 years from now.  This plant when done will be large enough to serve not only the current District boundaries but also some adjacent properties that may come into the District, plus it will allow the largest treatment unit on site to be taken out of service for maintenance without degrading your ability to produce the water and pump it. 

            Mr. Grossjung asked did you say it will come on line in about a year and a half?

            Mr. McKune responded it will take about a year and a half to do this but it will probably be four months before this job even starts. 

            Mr. Mendolia stated you are giving us a number now but everything may go up in two years.

            Mr. McKune responded the $351,000 budget is for the design.  At the end of that period we will put the job out for bid, award it to the low bidder and pay the $7 million for the construction.  You will then pay us to monitor the construction, which is similar to the inspection proposal you approved for the subdivision work. 

            Ms. Archer asked does it make any sense to pre-qualify our bidders this time?

            Mr. McKune stated I'm willing to discuss that.  We have done that in the past.  It is difficult to not qualify someone.  It is more difficult to disqualify someone after bids are taken if they happen to be the low bidder because they will sue for lost profit and what have you.  In trying to pre-qualify you have just about the same hassle.  It is never something you can say yes or no to.  It takes a long time and I don't know if it gets you as good a result.  On a job of this size there will only be a hand full of contractors who can do it. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mendolia seconded by Mr. Grossjung with all in favor Work Authorization 107 was approved.


NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS            Consideration of Permits

          A.    WCI for Heron Bay Recreation Amenity Parcel, Drainage Outfall into S-102 Canal

          B.    WCI for Parkland Country Club Sports Club Facility, Three (3) Drainage Outfalls into L-10 Canal

          C.    WCI for Parkland Golf and Country Club Sales Center, Drainage Outfall

          D.    WCI for Parkland Golf and Country Club Spine Roads, Drainage Outfall

            Ms. Early stated all four permits are typical surface water management permits that we issue.  We reviewed all of them and have provided a letter to the District with conditions to be made a part of the permits. 


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the permits listed above were approved subject to the special conditions listed in the engineer's letter of review.


TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS           Staff Reports

          A.    Attorney

            There not being any, the next item followed.


          B.    Engineer

            There not being any, the next item followed.


          C.    Superintendent

                 Correspondence from Representative Ritter

                 Correspondence from Stuart Auerbach

            Ms. Archer distributed the proposed budget for the general fund, debt service fund, Heron Bay Commons and Parkland Isles and stated this will start the budget consideration and adoption process that we go through every year.  We will provide a copy of the proposed budget to the local governing authorities 60 days before we ask you to adopt it.  We will come back to you in early August to adopt this budget and levy assessments.  The assessments are proposed to increase about 18% in the maintenance fund due to increased areas the District is going to be responsible to maintain and adding an additional crew, buying a ditch bank mower to do the dike maintenance we need to do.  It is all part of being part of a growing drainage system that every now and then requires that you hire another crew in order to do the work.  In the other drainage districts in town which are basically at build-out, it is costing them about $85 per unit every year.  They are stabilized so that their assessments don't go up or down anymore.  I'm projecting that by the time we are done with build-out, our assessments will be in that neighborhood as well.  Right now we are looking at $71 per unit.  Last year it was $60.39 per unit.  I anticipate that not next year but the year after we will be at the $85 level that the assessments will level out at that number.  It is a large increase but we haven't had any increases for a long time.

            Mr. Lauritzen asked what is the reason for the increase?

            Ms. Archer responded adding the additional crew of two men, a boat, a spray rig, a trailer, a truck, a ditch bank mower plus your sinking funds that we have established for the replacement of pumps and engines and mufflers and roofs at the pump stations so that you set aside a little bit of money each year to replace that equipment at the end of their expected life.  All of that is provided in the budget so that you can see what the expected life is and the replacement cost and how much needs to be set aside each year to do that.  If you keep doing that, you will have enough money when the engines wear out to replace them.  As these areas become developed and convert from the number of undeveloped acres into assessable units, that will help.  I still anticipate that it will level off at the $85 per year per unit.  If you have any questions you can call Rich or you can call me in Tennessee and I can go over it with you.  I think I have included enough detail so that you can see where the numbers came from.  Next month we will give you the water and sewer budget that we will ask you to adopt in September. 

            Mr. Lauritzen asked are any of our bonds callable?

            Ms. Archer responded some of them from time to time are callable.  When they become callable that is when we look at where the market is and the interest rates.  Some of them are call protected until a certain date. 

            As part of the future financing of Parkland Golf & Country Club, we have been working with the Developer for about a year on restructuring a lot of the water management debt in Supplements 2 and 3 and equalizing the drainage assessments in that area. 


ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS    Supervisor's Requests and Audience Comments

            Mr. Grossjung stated I am submitting my resignation effective the end of the month so that you can appoint someone who can take a more active role.


TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS      Approval of Requisitions and Invoices


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the requisitions and invoices were approved.


On MOTION by Mr. Grossjung seconded by Mr. Mendolia with all in favor the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.






Salvatore J. Mendolia                                               Matt Lauritzen

Secretary                                                                     President