A meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the North Springs Improvement District was held on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 4:55 p.m. at the District Offices, 10300 NW 11th Manor, Coral Springs, Florida.


            Present and constituting a quorum were:


            Steve Mendelson                                              President

            David Gray                                                       Secretary

            Vincent Morretti                                               Assistant Secretary


            Also present were:


            Kenneth Cassel                                                District Manager

            Dennis Lyles                                                     District Counsel

            Jane Early                                                         District Engineer

            Brenda Schurz                                                  Severn Trent Services

            Terri Lusk                                                        Accountant, Severn Trent Services

            Doug Hyche                                                     Utility Director

            Nick Schooley                                                  Drainage Supervisor

            Rod Colon                                                       Chief Operator, Wastewater Plant

            Rick Morales                                                    CH2M Hill

            Sean Skehan                                                    CH2M Hill

            Joe Sabino                                                       Heron Bay Clubhouse Manager

            Juan Garcia                                                      Century Building Restoration USA

            Jorge Gutierrez                                                 Century Building Restoration USA


            The following is a summary of the minutes and actions taken at the October 1, 2008 North Springs Improvement District Board of Supervisors meeting.


FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS                               Roll Call

            Mr. Cassel called the meeting to order and called the roll.


SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Approval of the Minutes of the September 3, 2008 Meeting

            Mr. Cassel stated each Board member received a copy of the minutes of the September 3, 2008 meeting and requested any corrections, additions or deletions.

            There not being any,


On MOTION by Mr. Gray seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor the minutes of the September 3, 2008 meeting were approved.


THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS                             Acceptance of Financial Audit for Fiscal Year 2006 and Ratification of AFR

            Mr. Cassel reviewed the following:

·        Due to time constraints, Mr. Mendelson signed the AFR for the fiscal year 2006 financial audit prior to the meeting.

·        The only issue noted on the financial audit is there was no budget amendment for fiscal year 2006, which resulted in actual expenditures exceeding the budget for the general fund.

·        The Management Letter states the District has not met any conditions described in Section 218.503(1).  This means the District has not met any conditions for being declared in a state of financial emergency. 


On MOTION by Mr. Gray seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor the financial audit for fiscal year 2006 was accepted and the AFR was ratified.


FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                          Consideration of Work Authorizations

A.                 Work Authorization No. 184 – Parkland Village ESDC for Water Distribution, Wastewater Collection and Lake Construction

            Mr. Cassel discussed the following:

·        This work authorization is to complete Parkland Village Lakes, Lift Station 41 and Sanitary Sewer.

·        The work will be undertaken by Centerline who closed on the property.  The District engineer has to sign off and certify to the bondholders.   


On MOTION by Mr. Gray seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor Work Authorization No. 184 for Parkland Village ESDC for water distribution, wastewater collection and lake construction was approved. 


B.                 Work Authorization No. 185 – SFWMD Grant Application

            Mr. Cassel discussed the following:

·        The District has an opportunity to receive grants for up to 50% of the construction costs for capital project items and storm water management. 

·        The work authorization is for the engineer to work on the grant applications.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Gray with all in favor Work Authorization No. 185 for SFWMD grant applications was approved.


FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                               Staff Reports

A.                 Manager

i.                    Consideration of Resolution 2009-1 Removing Edward Goscicki as Signatory and Designating Pamela Rower and Kenneth Cassel as Signatories

            There being no questions or comments,


On MOTION by Mr. Gray seconded by Mr. Mendelson with all in favor Resolution 2009-1, removing Edward Goscicki as Signatory and Designating Pamela Rower and Kenneth Cassel as Signatories, was adopted.


ii.                  Landscape Maintenance Agreement with City of Coral Springs

            Mr. Cassel discussed the following:

·        Instead of entering into a landscape maintenance agreement, the Heron Bay Boulevard median will be conveyed to the city.

·        Mr. Lyles is in the process of drafting the conveyance documents.

            Mr. Cassel discussed the following additional items under the Manager’s Report:

·        Mr. Cassel attended a meeting regarding FEMA’s remapping of districts within Broward County.  He will be working with the City of Coral Springs and the City of Parkland to make sure the District is mapped appropriately and what is listed in the new flood criteria maps does not have an adverse affect on the District. 

·        The District’s general liability insurance expires on November 1, 2008.  Mr. Cassel requested authorization to execute the binding documents due to the fact that the Board will not meet until after November 1, 2008.


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Gray with all in favor the Board authorized Mr. Cassel to execute insurance binding documents on behalf of the District prior to the November meeting.


·        Mr. Cassel attended a Broward County Water Planning meeting with Mr. Hyche and Mr. Hanks.  There is a task force which will be working on recommendations for withdrawals.  They are actively involved in this work group to make sure the needs of NSID and CSID are met with regard to future water withdrawals so negative impacts are minimized.  Mr. Hanks is a CSID Board member as well as a registered professional engineer.  He was asked to sit on the Task Force Board to represent special districts.  Mr. Hyche is on the Technical Advisory Committee for the Task Force Board. 

·        Mr. Cassel and Mr. Lyles will meet with Centerline representatives on Monday, October 6, 2008 to review all the funding agreements the District had with Tousa Homes. 

·        The Board was sent quotes under separate cover for painting and structural repairs on the plant.  Century Building Restoration USA, Inc. submitted the lowest quote in the amount of $32,370.  If approved, the project can begin within two weeks and will be completed in 30 days. 


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Gray with all in favor the proposal submitted by Century Building Restoration USA, Inc. in the amount of $32,370 for concrete restoration and exterior coating for two water tanks, two silos and three concrete filters was approved.


·        Westview Estates HOA is requesting to connect a fence on the north side of the property to the wall located on the District’s right-of-way to prevent people from walking through.  Ms. Early does not see a problem with this, but if the District allows the encroachment it should be with the stipulation that if the District has to remove it at some point, it will be at the cost of the homeowners.  Mr. Colon requested they place a gate for District staff to have access through. 



On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Gray with all in favor Westview Estates HOA’s request to place a fence on the District’s right-of-way was approved subject to an encroachment agreement being executed.


            iii.        Environmental Protection Agency Certification

            This item is for informational purposes only.


iv.                Water Production Reports

            This item is for informational purposes only.


                        v.         Pelican Isles Access Update

            Mr. Schooley met with DOT and they are still requesting the District approve the wall and berm.  District staff is adamant with regard to the need of access to the property.  The access point must be easy to go in and come out of.  Once the access issue is resolved, staff will meet with the HOA to discuss maintenance of the berm. 


B.                 Attorney

            There being no report, the next item followed.


C.                 Engineer

i.          Project Status Report

            The following was discussed:

·        Mr. Skehan reported that work is being done on modeling for the water use permits.

·        Ms. Early attended the Broward Initiative meeting.  SFWMD is in a collective group of Broward County participants.  Everyone is supposed to submit reports on special projects which benefit stormwater.  Water quality is the biggest issue.  Ms. Early attended the meeting because of the District’s re-piping project.  The District can get reimbursed for a portion of the expenses.  The final report on the description of the project must be submitted by October 8, 2008.  The report is 90% complete.  The District will know by the end of November to the beginning of December if it will receive any funding for the project. 


A.                 Manager’s Report (Continued)

            Prager, Sealy & Company, LLC sent information regarding refinancing the bonds for Parkland Isles.  They are working on the rating.  Once the fiscal year 2007 audit is completed, they can continue to move forward with obtaining information on how much the District can save on refinancing the bond. 


SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                              Approval of Financials

            Mr. Cassel briefly reviewed the financial statements as of August 31, 2008.  Staff is working with WCI Communities and other vendors to make sure they are paid properly.

On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Gray with all in favor the financials were approved.


SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS                        Adjournment

            There being no further business,


On MOTION by Mr. Mendelson seconded by Mr. Gray with all in favor the meeting was adjourned.









 David Gray                                                                     Steve Mendelson                                            

 Secretary                                                                         President