Water Quality Reports
The Environmental Protection Agency requires the North Springs Improvement District to provide its customers with a yearly Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), also known as the Water Quality Report, each year as part of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
North Springs Improvement District (NSID) has set service standards that comply with all regulatory standards set forth by the Safe Drinking Water Act and Florida Administrative Code (FAC). The water quality being pumped throughout the District meets or exceeds all primary standards applied to the protection of public health and secondary standards that refer to the aesthetic qualities of the water, such as taste and clarity. In addition, NSID follows the best management practices established by the American Water Works Association.
Our exceptional staff and state-certified operators work diligently to deliver the best customer service and the highest quality drinking water without interruption. As new challenges to drinking water safety emerge, we remain vigilant in meeting the goals of source water protection by relentlessly investing in customer outreach and education, the latest treatment technologies, system upgrades, and training; the payoff will be reliable, high-quality tap water delivered to you and your family.