Year-round Landscape Water Restrictions

Year-round Landscape Water Restrictions are in effect for the entire South Florida Water Management District Year-Round Landscape Irrigation Rule and local ordinances.

The South Florida Water Management District’s year-round landscape watering restrictions (Chapter 40E-24, Florida Administrative Code) and local ordinances were designed to ensure the efficient use of water when irrigating landscapes. In 2010, the Broward County Board of County Commissioners passed an ordinance adopting year-round irrigation restrictions. It is essential for all of us to follow these restrictions to conserve our precious water resources, even more so during periods of water shortage. The restrictions allow enough water to maintain healthy landscapes year-round. 

The YRR measures apply to all water sources, except that landscape irrigation accomplished using reclaimed water. Click here for the County ordinance. 

The YRR prohibits landscape irrigation between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. and limits watering to two days per week, depending on the area. Please see below for the District’s YRR schedule.

Residences and businesses with no street addresses or those who irrigate even and odd addresses within the same zones, including multi-family units and HOAs, may water lawns and landscapes on Thursdays and/or Sundays only before 10:00 am or after 4:00 pm.

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